It was a real privilege to deliver the Jerry Lee lecture at the Stockholm Criminology Symposium in 2023. My thanks to Jerry Lee, Larry Sherman and Peter Neyroud for considering me, and my congratulations to the Stockholm prize winner this year, Professor Beatriz Magaloni. You can watch below, or follow this link.
During the presentation I mentioned various research studies and videos to illuminate my points. This short blog provides links in case you want more information.
The knife fight video shown in the presentation is from a documentary on the Kensington Transit Corridor Opioid Study, available on YouTube here. I also have a journal article with Hayley Wight (with more on the way) titled Policing the largest drug market on the eastern seaboard: officer perspectives on enforcement and community safety.
The video with the SAVE officers in the Philadelphia subway is current work. Follow me on Twitter for updates.
The Kama Sutra comment wasn't a quote, it was from a tweet.
The following graphic is Figure 1-1 from my book Evidence-Based Policing: The Basics. (page 7).

Video of the Philadelphia police leaders discussing foot patrol is from a short YouTube video of the Philadelphia Foot Patrol Experiment.
Former Seattle police chief Carmen Best features in Reducing Crime podcast episode #35. The Reducing Crime podcast is available from all podcast providers, including SoundCloud, Apple, and Spotify.
Evidence hierarchy chart is from books Reducing Crime: A Companion for Police Leaders and Evidence-Based Policing: The Basics. There is also a blog post about it, with an explanatory video, that is great for students ;-). Here's the pic. It's on page 99 of EBP: The Basics.

Here are details for the paper on Operation Thumbs Down (LAPD/FBI gang takedown). Direct access here.
And the Philadelphia Predictive Policing Experiment. Again, if you don't have access behind the paywall.
And the Acoustic gunshot detection system quasi-experiment (A partially randomized field experiment on the effect of an acoustic gunshot detection system on police incident reports). Huge shoutout to my colleagues for their help on the paper accessible here.