Meet the vignette authors
Tracey Thompson

Inspector Tracey Thompson joined the New Zealand Police in 1995 and has since worked in three policing districts, the Royal NZ Police College and Police National Headquarters. She has diversified in many areas of the police including working as a detective in the Criminal Investigation Branch, as National Manager Youth, Practice Leader Maori, Culture and Diversity, and as Maori Responsiveness Manager. She is currently the Area Commander Kapiti Mana, an area which is within the wider Wellington Police District. Geographically spread Kapiti Mana is rich in diversity with a large proportion of its population Maori and Pasifika. The NZ Police's mission is to be ‘the Safest Country’, and their purpose is for their communities to ‘be safe and feel safe’ with a vision to have the ‘trust and confidence of all’. This is what makes her excited to come to work.

Jared Parkin

Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Alex Murray is responsible for crime investigation in the West Midlands, UK. He has experience in homicide counter terrorism and local policing. His Master’s degree thesis at Cambridge University developed the understanding of police legitimacy within Muslim communities. He is passionate about the police being evidence based and founded the Society for Evidence Based Policing. In 2014 he received the Superintendents award for Excellence in Policing and has been recognised by George Mason University’s Centre for Evidence Based Policing. In 2017 he was awarded an OBE for services to policing.
You can follow Superintendent Parkin on twitter at @SuptJaredParkin

Gareth Stubbs

Gareth is a serving Police Inspector in the UK with 16 years’ service. His current role involves attempting to influence frontline practice with a variety of evidence based initiatives. He holds two degrees, two Masters degrees, and is currently mid-PhD studying social isolation in policing. Gareth was a graduate police officer, but has dedicated himself to study whilst working in frontline roles for 90% of his career. He is hoping to create real reform, using the principles of research as a base for improved decision making. In his spare time (what little there actually is with a full time job, part time PhD, two children and a studying wife), he enjoys spending time with his family and lifting heavy things, but likes to keep these activities separate! You can follow Gareth on twitter at @DedicatedPeeler

Stuart Greer

Stuart Greer is a Lieutenant with the Morristown (NJ) Police Department (USA) where he serves as the Executive Officer of the Support Services Division. In this role, he oversees Criminal Investigations, Property & Evidence, Police Records, and the Public Information office. Lt. Greer is a founding member of the American Society of Evidence-Based Policing, a Fellow at the Police Foundation, and a LEADS Scholar at the National Institute of Justice. He is a New Jersey Police Training Commission certified instructor teaching recruit and in-service training classes and has traveled extensively teaching evidence-based approaches to reducing homicide and violent crimes to police commanders across the United States.
Lt. Greer received a Master of Studies in Applied Criminology from the University of Cambridge and a Master of Public Administration from the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University. You can follow Lt. Greer on twitter at @Stu_Greer

Corey Allen

Inspector Allen joined the Police in 1986 and is currently the manager Operational Training Services, responsible for the development and delivery of all weapons and skills training for the Queensland Police Service. He was the longest serving Officer in Charge of Queensland’s largest station - Brisbane City Division and has performed duties as OIC of other suburban stations, as Operations Tactician, and as Team Leader in Public Safety Response Team and the Tactical Crime Squad. In 2011 Corey travelled the world on a Churchill Fellowship studying police engagement of young homeless. In October 2013 Corey was awarded Alumnus of the Year for Griffith University School of Criminology, Arts Education and Law. Career highlights include being a finalist in the Australian of the Year Awards and receipt of five National Crime and Violence Prevention awards for innovative projects that significantly improved community safety and wellbeing.
You can follow Corey Allen on twitter at @coreyallen66

Neil Trainor

Neil Trainor has over 36 years of policing experience having joined the UK Police Service in 1982. Between 1996 and 2011 he worked for the UK National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA) with responsibility for providing operational support to serious violent crime (specifically stranger sexually motivated murder, rape and abduction) and has been involved in many hundreds of high profile major crime investigations in the UK, USA, Canada and various countries in Europe. During this time he qualified as a Geographic Profiler and as the UK’s Professional Lead for Geographic Profiling he was responsible for deployment of operational support, advice, training and professional development of the discipline. He has provided geographic profiling services/training for various UK and European police forces and for agencies in Canada, USA, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Iceland and Australia. He has been employed as a Senior Intelligence Analyst with New Zealand Police since 2011.

Martin Gallagher

Martin Gallagher is a chief inspector with Police Scotland, currently deployed as the Area Commander for Paisley. Martin’s policing background is mainly in intelligence, and the investigation of serious crime. He has also worked directly to executive staff in a number of roles including national crisis events, the London Olympics and the closure of the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland. Martin has been awarded 3 commendations for bravery during his police service. Martin writes mainly on Terrorism and Organised Crime. His work has been covered by the BBC, the Sunday Times and Jane’s Intelligence Review. He is a regular blogger on the website He has lectured on policing for the last 14 years, and is an established conference panel member. In 2018, he moved to the Digitally Enabled Policing Programme of 'Policing 2026', as deputy lead on mobile working.

Kelly Robbins

Sergeant Kelly Robbins joined the Philadelphia Police Department in 2007 after obtaining her M.S. at the University of Pennsylvania. She originally worked in North Philadelphia (affectionately called the Badlands), eventually earning an invitation as the only female officer in the 25th district’s proactive tactical squad. At the same time, she was selected to become the district’s first analyst through a partnership program with Temple University on the BJA-funded Smart Policing Initiative. Robbins was promoted to sergeant in 2015, transferred to Center City Philadelphia and was later selected to work on the planning committee and write the operations orders for the Papal Visit in 2016. She currently supervises the Regional Operations Command-South office for the city and is awaiting promotion to lieutenant later this year. Robbins and her husband recently welcomed their first child and are now proud (and tired) new parents.
You can follow Kelly Robbins on twitter at @LEOSmartypants

Steve Bishopp

Stephen A. Bishopp is the Associate Director for Research at The Caruth Police Institute (CPI) in the Dallas (Texas) Police Department. He received his Ph.D. (2013) in Criminology from the University of Texas at Dallas. Steve is a 27-year veteran and sergeant with the Dallas Police Department. He has supervised patrol, covert operations, and training. In his current role at CPI, Steve focuses his research on evidence-based policing, use-of-force, police mental health/well-being, and criminological theory. His work appears in such journals as Crime & Delinquency, Policing: An International Journal, Justice Research & Practice, American Journal of Public Health, Deviant Behavior, and Police Quarterly. You can follow Steve Bishopp on twitter at @StephenABishopp

Greg Stewart

Greg Stewart is a sergeant with the Portland Police Bureau (PPB). His 23 years in policing have included patrol work as an officer and sergeant, working undercover, supervising the PPB’s Domestic Violence Reduction Unit, working in the Chief’s Office and creating and supervising the PPB’s Crime Analysis Unit. He has a master’s degree from Portland State University. Sgt. Stewart is a Police Foundation Policing Fellow, a member of George Mason University’s Evidence-Based Policing Hall of Fame, and an NIJ Law Enforcement Advancing and Data Science (LEADS) scholar. He has trained and consulted for police agencies from the United States, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, the Ukraine and Bangladesh.
You can follow Greg Stewart on twitter at @gstewart32025

Paul Daly

Paul Daly is an experienced Senior Sergeant in the Western Australia Police Force. Since 1995, he has served in metropolitan Perth in frontline duties, Juvenile Aid, drug enforcement, and gang crime, and in the regional towns of Beverley, Margaret River and Shark Bay, which exposed him to the complexities of policing the largest geographical policing jurisdiction in the world. In 2007, Paul won the community-nominated WA Police Officer of the Year award and in 2012 became the only Officer in its 40 year history to win the highly-regarded award twice. Study exchanges to the United Kingdom and U.S.A. enabled Paul to experience international policing practices firsthand. He has extensive experience in Emergency Management and has provided incident support at major bushfires in Western Australia and at G20 in Queensland. He has also assisted Queensland Police with service delivery change management. Paul is presently delivering organisational improvement programs within the WA Police Service.

Justin Ross

Justin Ross began his career with the Pasco Sheriff’s Office in 2006. He served as a forensics technician, a deputy sheriff, and an economic crimes detective. Justin was promoted to sergeant where he also served as the agency’s representative on a local justice and mental health committee to perfect the response to and identify services for persons suffering from mental illness. Justin went on to supervise the Economic Crimes and Major Crimes Units before being promoted to lieutenant. As a lieutenant, Justin oversaw Forensics and Property Evidence, and in 2016 he was selected to be the Director of the Intelligence-Led Policing Section. Justin was promoted to Captain in 2017 and is currently responsible for developing the preparedness and directing the response of the Sheriff’s Office to unusual occurrences, active threats, and other critical incidents. Justin has a Bachelors in Criminology and Masters in Criminal Justice Administration from the University of South Florida.

Tarrick McGuire

In addition to being a noted speaker and published author, Tarrick McGuire is a servant leader with over a decade of experience in public safety leadership. A native of Dallas, TX, Tarrick earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Speech Communications from Oklahoma State University, a Master’s Degree in Christian Leadership from Criswell College and is currently pursuing a Doctorate Degree in Public Administration. From 2016-2017, Tarrick was assigned as a Law Enforcement Fellow with the International Association of Chiefs of Police contributing to public safety research and reform in Washington D.C. While there, he worked with the White House, Department of Justice and IACP on guiding police departments nationally on the implementation of 21st Century Policing. In 2016 he received the L. Anthony Sutin Civic Imagination Department of Justice Award for his work in improving Community-Police Relations and the Martin Luther King Jr. Award for Governmental Leadership.

Dave Spencer

Dave Spencer is a chief inspector seconded to the College of Policing organizational development faculty. He was previously an operational chief inspector with Northamptonshire Police.
You can follow Dave Spencer on twitter at @dave_spencer

Arif Nawaz
Arif Nawaz is currently a chief superintendent with Greater Manchester Police (U.K.), and the branch head of organizational learning and workforce development.

Pedro Antonio Guillén Meléndez

Pedro Antonio Guillén Meléndez is a sub-inspector in El Salvador’s National Civil Police (PNC) and the head of a tactical unit in La Paz delegation.

Jonas Baughman

Sergeant Jonas Baughman is a 14-year veteran of the Kansas City, Missouri Police Department (KCPD). A native of the Kansas City area, Sergeant Baughman joined the KCPD after obtaining a B.A. in psychology from Creighton University. He has held assignments in patrol, investigations, and crime and intelligence analysis during his tenure. Sergeant Baughman quickly found crime analysis to be his professional passion, and more than half of his career has been in positions related to crime or intelligence analysis. Past assignments include having served as a crime analyst, creating and supervising the KCPD's first Real-time Crime Center team, and directing a squad of detectives tasked with gang intelligence. He is currently assigned to the Office of Chief of Police where he is responsible for strategic analysis and evaluation of crime-reduction strategies and similar projects, among other duties.

Andy Parkes

Chief Inspector Andy Parkes joined Leicestershire Police 2001 after an 8 year career in the pharmaceutical industry where evidence based practice was the norm. He has enjoyed a variety of posts as sergeant; 24/7, proactive team, neighbourhoods, intelligence, and community safety, before being promoted to Inspector. It was as a local policing unit commander in 2012 that he first got to practice evidence based policing with his alley gates project, using this as the basis for a Masters dissertation. In mid-2015, after a dalliance with the detective world and cybercrime, he got ‘back in black’ and into his current role of Priority and Resource Commander dealing with firearms, public order, CBRN and critical incident command alongside 24/7 policing.
He still endeavours to fully embed an evidence-based approach to problem solving within policing, delivering inputs locally and nationally and retains passionate about this as well as delivering enabling mobile technology to front line officers.

Renée Mitchell

Renée J. Mitchell has served in the Sacramento Police Department for twenty years and is currently a Police Sergeant. She is the President of the American Society of Evidence-Based Policing, currently serving as President. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of California, Davis, a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology from the University of San Francisco, a Master of Business Administration from the California State University, Sacramento, a Juris Doctorate from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Criminology from the University of Cambridge. She was the 2009/2010 Fulbright Police Research Fellow where she attended the University of Cambridge Police Executive Program. You can view her TEDx talks, “Research not protests” and “Policing Needs to Change: Trust me I’m a Cop”, where she advocates for evidence-based policing.
You can follow Renée Mitchell on twitter at @DrReneeMitchell

Roger Pegram

Roger is the current Vice Chair of the Society of Evidence Based Policing, police inspector with Greater Manchester Police and Visiting Scholar at the University of Cambridge. He is a passionate advocate and international public speaker on the topic of using research in policing to make informed decisions. Roger has a wealth of experience in numerous operational and strategic roles, particularly in the area of complex investigation, cyber-crime, public order, organisational restructuring and police education. Roger’s research has mainly focused on the implementation and tracking of policing experiments. In 2016 Roger was commended by the College of Policing for his ‘creating a culture of curiosity’ seminars and his work in embedding evidence based practice in policing, which was described as ‘transformational’. Roger is quoted as saying ‘it is of paramount importance that we learn what policing methods are most effective, as this is about community safety and keeping people safe’. You can follow Roger Pegram on twitter at @EBPegram

Julio César Marroquín Vides

Julio César Marroquín Vides is a commissioner (comisionado) in El Salvador’s National Civil Police (PNC) currently supervising a national intelligence-led policing project.

Don Moser

Inspector Moser is the Operational Planning Officer for Halifax Regional Police (Canada). He began his policing career in 1992, holding various roles within and outside HRP during his tenure. He has worked in both the Patrol and Criminal Investigation Division as a constable and as a supervisor. He worked in professional standards prior to becoming the first seconded Halifax Regional Police officer to Nova Scotia’s Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT), during which he assisted in establishing the independent police oversight body and served as an investigator. Prior to his appointment as the Operational Planning Officer, Inspector Moser served as HRP’s Divisional Commander of East Division.
He has been awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, the Police Exemplary Service Medal, the NS Police Long Service Medal, and is a co-recipient of the Halifax Regional Police Investigator of the Year Award. You can follow Don Moser on twitter at @InspDonMoser

Al Murray

Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Alex Murray is responsible for crime investigation in the West Midlands, UK. He has experience in homicide counter terrorism and local policing. His Master’s degree thesis at Cambridge University developed the understanding of police legitimacy within Muslim communities. He is passionate about the police being evidence based and founded the Society for Evidence Based Policing. In 2014 he received the Superintendents award for Excellence in Policing and has been recognised by George Mason University’s Centre for Evidence Based Policing. In 2017 he was awarded an OBE for services to policing.
You can follow Al Murray on twitter at @ACCMurray